UK National Team Workshop for Buildings and Communities

UK National Team Workshop for Buildings and Communities
10th May 2018 Maija Powell


Join us for a UK National Workshop, providing an opportunity to find out about recently completed research projects and gain insights into ongoing projects of the International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities programme.

University College London and The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy are hosting a UK National Team Workshop for the International Energy Agency’s Technology Collaboration Programme for Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA-EBC). The IEA-EBC Programme is an international energy research and innovation programme in the buildings and communities field which organises collaborative R&D projects among its 24 member countries.
The UK National Workshop will provide an opportunity to find out about some of recently completed research projects and gain insights into the 15 ongoing projects which address subjects ranging in scope from building components and systems, through individual building design and retrofit to community based strategies and energy use at city and national scale. The work of the IEA-EBC is directly relevant to building designers, city planners, developers, builders, researchers and policy makers. The workshop will present the outcomes and benefits of IEA-EBC projects, explain how to engage and collaborate in projects and how the projects are financed.

The workshop is on the 1st June, free to attend, to register click here.