Mike Fell

Mike Fell

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Michael Fell is a research associate in buildings (with focus on domestic energy and behaviour) at the RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology based at UCL Energy Institute. His PhD research explored consumer demand for domestic demand-side response product offerings such as time of use electricity tariffs. Other research interests include energy feedback and energy education.

Michael has a keen interest in promoting research/policy engagement, and has organized many workshops and seminars bringing academics and policymakers together. From March to June 2013 he undertook a POST/EPSRC Fellowship in the House of Commons Library, briefing MPs on subjects in science and the environment. From 2007 to 2011, when he joined UCL, he was the energy commissioning editor at Earthscan (a leading publisher of books and journals in sustainability). He worked on a wide variety of book projects in the fields of renewable energy, energy demand and sustainable architecture and also collaborated with organizations like International Energy Agency annexes and United Nations agencies to help publish the results of their work.

CEE Projects