Research Question 7

What is the prevalence of high/low home heating energy users in England and how has this changed over the past 10 years?

Insight into possible mechanisms to control the growth in high and low heating energy groups and will link into on-going research by DECC and other EUED Centres.

Building Sector - Residential Analysis Methods Icon

The distribution of energy demand across the UK illustrates the right (positive) skewed nature of how energy is used. While there will be certain amount of skew related to size and energy performance, it is less understood what factors affect the prevalence and distribution high and low home heating energy use.  It is also of interest to how these groups has changed over the past 10 years, as changes in price, energy efficiency and wider social and economic factors have caused a wide range of change in households of England.  A cohort study technique will be used to examine what factors are associated with these types of users and what factors are associated with changes over time.  This research will provide insight into possible mechanisms to control the growth in these groups and will link into on-going research by DECC and other EUED Centres.

Principal Investigators Ian Hamilton and Gesche Huebner

Contact Ian

Contact Gesche