What is the relationship between measured space heating demand and measured temperature and what effect do dwelling and household characteristics have?
The research can be used to revise assumptions behind practices of energy demand and may give an indication of temperature take-back.
Prior to the 2011 Energy Follow-Up Survey (EFUS) the last study to include detailed information on temperature in homes, the fuel use along with details on the heating system, physical dwelling features and household characteristics was 1996. An analysis of the determinants of energy demand and internal temperatures in the home using a cross-sectional representative sample will offer greater insight into the drivers of low and high energy users across the UK. In particular, the relationship that the underlying energy performance of the dwelling has on wintertime internal temperatures will give an indication of the potential for temperature take-back. This information can be used to revise assumptions behind practices of energy demand.
Principal Investigators Ian Hamilton and Gesche Huebner