The IEA (International Energy Agency) Energy in Building and Communities Programme has approved ‘Annex 70 – Building Energy Epidemiology; analysis of real building energy use at scale’ to begin its operational phase.
Annex 70, led by Ian Hamilton at CEE, is an international collaboration of researchers, industry and government from across the globe who are working to develop methods for improving the empirical evidence on energy demand in the building stock.
Annex 70 will focus on the analyses of real building energy use at scale and the emerging field of energy epidemiology, which seeks to develop robust and multidisciplinary approaches to such analyses.
The purpose of the Annex is to support member countries in the task of developing realistic transition pathways to substantial and long-term reductions in energy use and carbon emissions associated with their buildings by:
- Evaluating the scope for using real building energy use data at scale to inform policy making and to support industry in the development of low energy and low carbon solutions;
- Establishing best practice in the methods used to collect and analyse data related to real building energy use, including building and occupant data; and,
- Comparing across the national approaches to developing building stock data sets, building stock models , and to addressing the energy performance gap in order to identify lessons that can be learned and shared.
“We are very excited to collaborate with leading organisations from around the world working improving the collection, describing, and using energy and building stock data. Our work will contribute to improving the available evidence base for a transition to a low carbon and energy efficient built environment.”
Ian Hamilton, IEA Annex 70 Operating Agent – Email Ian
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