The Institute of Physics Energy Group is running a one day event on 27th November at the University of Warwick entitled ‘Heat pumps: towards better integration’.
This one day conference focusses on the integration of heat pumps into buildings, households and electricity networks. It is by now well known that many of the challenges of making successful heat pump schemes are not purely technological, but relate to the wider context: the buildings, social systems and grids the heat pumps serve and are served by. We will hear the latest on challenges and successes of making heat pumps work in real situations from expert in industry and academia. This interdisciplinary conference organised by the IoP Energy Group will span thermodynamics, electricity systems, social science and building physics.
Leading figures in the heat pump field from industry and academia will give presentations, including a number of EUED Centre researchers. The focus of the event will be on how the technological advances and energy-saving potential of heat pumps can be mainstreamed into existing buildings, households and electricity grids.
The latest research and installation technology and practice findings will be presented, spanning thermodynamics, electricity systems, social science and building physics. The event is co-organised by the EUED CEE and i-STUTE Centres.
For more details and to register (small fee applies) visit the Institute of Physics website
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