CEE Director Tadj Oreszczyn attended the RCUK India Energy Demand Workshop in April 2016 in New Delhi.
The purpose of the workshop (held in New Delhi on 22nd April) was to discuss possible joint India/UK research to help reduce energy demand in India’s built stock, both in new major urban developments currently being planned (e.g. http://www.smartcitiesprojects.com) and the existing built stock.
Particular challenges include undertaking research that can have impact during a period of rapid development including major urbanisation and infrastructure development to provide access to clean forms of energy. The research should be able to support the 2015 Paris COP agreement and India’s Deep Decarbonisation Pathway.
The workshop brought together key stakeholders from academia, industry and government to help define key research themes. The scope of the workshop included energy use in both new and existing buildings, residential and non-residential (commercial and public).
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