CEE’s Virginia Gori awarded EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship
-Congratulations to Virginia Gori for her successful application for an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship
Smart Energy Research Lab (SERL)
-The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) have funded a 5 year project to develop a Smart Meter Research Portal (SMRP) to provide vital access to energy data for the UK research community.
Next dimension of building energy modelling?
-Next dimension of building energy modelling? CEE research on a new kind of 3D modelling that is giving a deeper understanding of energy use in buildings and premises.
CEE’s Prof Philip Steadman to speak the next City Conversation event
-Prof Philip Steadman to speak the next City Conversation event – Skyscraping, everything you wanted to know about tall buildings but were afraid to ask.
UCL-Energy report highlights potential for smart meter data to support healthcare
-Smart meters have the potential to contribute to a transformation of health and care in Britain, according UCL-Energy and Smart…
Update on RCUK project on building energy use featured in IEA annual report
-An update on the RCUK CEE/UCL-Energy project Annex 70 ‘Building Energy Epidemiology: Analysis of Real Building Energy Use at Scale’…
UCL-Energy academics publish data analysis from heat pumps installed via RHPP Scheme
-UCL-Energy has published data analysis from heat pumps installed via the Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) to the Department of…
MaaSLab research group launches new website
-This month we launched the MaaSlab website. MaaS (Mobility as a Service) aims to bridge the gap between public and private…
Fully-funded PhD studentship in Travel Demand Modelling, Mobility as Service & Big Data
-UCL-Energy invites applicants for a fully-funded three-year PhD Studentship in Travel Demand Modelling, Mobility as Service & Big Data. The…
Update on UCL project on building energy use featured in IEA annual report
-The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (EBC) has recently published its annual report for 2016…